Quantitative. Biological. Science.
Welcome to the Rabadan Lab
at Columbia University!
The amount of high throughput data in biological and clinical systems—from large scale genomics to electronic health records—is increasing dramatically, allowing for the development of a quantitative understanding of these complex systems. Our lab is an interdisciplinary team interested in developing mathematical and computational tools to extract useful biological information from large data sets.

Biology. Data. Convergence.
Our Research
We have witnessed a revolution in the acquisition of high throughput data in almost every aspect of biological and biomedical science. From personalized genomics to electronic health records, future progress in biomedical science and clinical care will rely heavily on the generation of meaningful knowledge from the integration of distinct sources, yielding vast amounts of data—a challenge dubbed “big data.” Most diseases derive from complex interactions between multiple factors (genetic, environmental, etc.), not single genetic alterations. To disentangle the relevant factors leading to disease in a statistically robust way, large numbers of samples and high throughput research techniques are necessary.

Creative. Interdisciplinary. Collaborative.
Our People
Our people are a collaborative, interdisciplinary team – exactly what makes the Rabadan Lab greater than the sum of its parts. At the intersection of cancer research, infectious diseases, medicine, and quantitative science, we are developing mathematical, statistical and computational approaches, which cover the analysis of high throughput data right through to the altogether more abstract identification of global patterns in evolutionary processes. Learn more about the people at the Rabadan Laboratory.