“Analysis of the chronic lymphocytic leukemia coding genome: role of NOTCH1 mutational activation.”

AUTHORS: Fabbri G, Rasi S, Rossi D, Trifonov V, Khiabanian H, Ma J, Grunn A, Fangazio M, Capello D, Monti S, Cresta S, Gargiulo E, Forconi F, Guarini A, Arcaini L, Paulli M, Laurenti L, Larocca LM, Marasca R, Gattei V, Oscier D, Bertoni F, Mullighan CG, Foá R, Pasqualucci L*, Rabadan R*, Dalla-Favera R*, Gaidano G*.

* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

The Journal of Experimental Medicine 2011 Jun 13;208:1389-1401.


“BRAF Mutations in Hairy-Cell Leukemia.”


“Inactivating mutations of acetyltransferase genes in B-cell lymphoma.”